Friday, September 28, 2007

More interesting things I have eaten so far….

Mopani worms. They actually look more like caterpillars, and they’re not bad, just chewy.

Tripe – aka Serobe. Take a cow, cut it’s intestines out. Wash, boil, spice, cut, and serve. No matter what you do, it will still taste like crap. Thankfully, having tried it once, I now never have to try it again.

Pap. Think grits. It’s boiled corn meal, and is served with just about everything you’d normally get potatoes with. Pretty darn good rolled into balls and fried.

One interesting thing I will not eat:

Walkie Talkies

Take some chicken feet (the “walkie”) and chicken beaks (the “talkie”), deep fry them, then see who will eat them.

Not me.

Walkie Talkies


Mungo said...

Tripe is actually the ruggae of the stomach of a cow, not the intestines... makes a good meal for someone with a weakened system, as it is easy to digest. I used to prepare it at the butcher shop where I worked. I've never eaten it though - looks gross!

Elizabeth said...

Hmm, between this post and the last one, it begs the question: are the spiders edible? That seems to be an obvious solution to the problem. Aside from my other "broken record" response of "get the hell out of dodge."