For the literally thousands of you keen on winning THE BIG PRIZE, here's some clarification to your questions:
Miss SA does have tile floors, and they are very slippery - I have fallen over twice already, and I wasn't even drunk. The one time I thought I was screwed, because I was carrying my handy-dandy burglar-proof chair over to the door, wearing socks, no slippers - mistake - and I wiped out and smacked the chair into one of the giant enormous mirrors. Either that thing would have shattered, killing me instantly with about 20 feet of mirror shrapnel, or I would have had to pay to replace it - also a near death experience, I'm sure.
Anyway - the point of that was to tell you that I am counting slippers in the tally.
The suitcase, or suitcases, are standard 26" uprights from the Bay. They might be 28", there were two options when I bought them. I thought I was getting the bigger one, but for some reason I think I ended up with the 26" one.
I will count tonight, and let those of you who have made guesses know if you're in the ballpark.
And yes - all this clarification could have been avoided with a good SRD meeting. What was I thinking? These South Africans are screwed if SRD's and CRM is left up to me.
Is the contest still open?
Does the fistmagnet team have an unfair advantage since we've seen a sampling of the footwear in question?
Since i am the head of the SA SRD council, I make the rules. You have no unfair advantage, since i pretty much wore the same pair of shoes every day, with the exception of some heels - which as you know, i do not like.
Guess away.
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