I will begin to include footwear descriptions in the blog, so those of you paying attention can guess just how many pairs of shoes I managed to squirrel away in my suitcases.
[Note to eLiz – the Sunday hike involved: hiking boots]
The prize: well, it is very exciting and amazing and you would kill your own nanny for this thing, which also includes a free stay at Miss South Africa's apartment in Johannesburg. Think about THAT.
Just so we're clear on the rules of the contest - since you didn't provide the standard rules and regs page.
1. Are we talking about how many pairs of shoes you packed, or how many you have in your closet? (Thus meaning we're including the ones you wore on the way down there.)
2. Do you own your own wetsuit? (Which would mean we'd have to account for the wet suit boots).
3. How many pairs of shoes / boots do you own in total? (Ok, that's not related to rules and regs, it's clearly a question to help us with the answer).
4. Have you bought any new shoes or boots since your arrival? (If so, please tell us how many so we can exlude them from the "in the closet total".)
Hmmm - yes, rules and regs.
1: shoes packed + the ones i wore;
2: i do not own a wet suit. They have boots?
3. i don't know how many pairs i own, but i do know that when i recently moved, they filled an entire box that was about 2ft by 1.5ft.
4. I haven't bought any new ones, nor will i count them in this very officially regulated contest. (There is a Campers store here though - so i will definitely be buying something. :) )
Yes, wet suits have boots too (sold seperately). I'm bringing mine up north this weekend to do some under water rock climbing/snorkelling in a river with a really, really strong current.
Unfortunately, the comment section doesn't let me upload pics, but you can clearly see the wet suit boots here:
Oh, two more rules and regs questions:
1. Does the former Miss SA have hardwood floors?
2. Are we counting slippers in our definition of shoes? Are we to assume that all footwear is applicable?
OK, I'm making my guess and going with lucky number 13. If I'm the only one that participates in the contest, do I win automatically? :-)
This confusion about the contest could have be alleviated at the start had we followed process and had an SRD council meeting...JRB always seems to be right...follow process and things will run smoothly.
Lastly need to know the dimensions of your suit cases, carry on bag and your guitar case (cuz me thinks you stowed away shoes in the case and there actually was no guitar, just a yukalaylee, which is substantilly smaller.
I am just going to say you brought 35 pairs of shoes with you. You may ask yourself "how did she come up with that number?" Simply thats how many I have and i needed a 2ft by 2ft box for MY shoes when I moved.
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